Jla world war iii
Jla world war iii

Kyle downs Armek and the mind-controlled crowd attempts to mob him, which distracts him long enough: Zenturion throws his mighty shield! And those who oppose his shield must surely yield? But hey, I could just be reading too much into a single sentence. I’m not saying death should be taken off the table entirely, but maybe it should be less exploitative, and maybe Grant Morrison was taking a bit of a jab at the editors here. But where is the line drawn? When do things become too much? Almost two years ago, I looked at the Batman story A Death in the Family, where Joker took a crowbar to Jason Todd and it left me uncomfortable, both two years ago and back when I first read it. I wonder if Morrison having Kyle talk about it is the author’s way of suggesting mainstream comics had gotten too brutal? Though this does sound weird coming from a guy who became famous in America for his Doom Patrol run, but that was geared for an adult audience, unlike JLA.

jla world war iii

What I do find interesting is Grant Morrison mentioning it here, with it coming out of the mouth of a character who wasn’t even around when villains were more, ah, Silver Age-like. And no, I won’t digress and discuss the merits or lack thereof regarding that debate. This is in reference to Kyle’s girlfriend getting murdered by Major Force and stuffed in their fridge, in an event which triggered the whole “women in refrigerators” social commentary. And worse for Armek, Kyle Rayner is a nerd with a lot of imagination.Īs Kyle fights the pair, he laments that villains have gone lately from “crazy jewel heists and dumb traps” to killing girlfriends and putting them in refrigerators. The problem is, writer Ron Marz had already dropped that stupid Silver Age gimmick the (literally, at this point) one true Green Lantern doesn’t have that weakness. So like half of Hal Jordan’s enemies, Armek uses yellow in an attempt to defeat our hero by turning himself gold. Zenturion chokes him out and tells Armek that Kyle’s “Oan power ring” is vulnerable to the color yellow.

jla world war iii

Meanwhile in the Gobi, Green Lantern has troubles of his own. Wally takes a moment to catch a vendor’s falling vase, noting how the wife would love it, but he hasn’t got time to haggle and he speeds off. And Zum ends up going boom somewhere in Africa. The Flash literally runs around planet Earth to come up behind the guy, and you see the world through Wally’s eyes, with Mount Rushmore all distorted and the only thing clearly visible is Zum’s horrified face as he sees a red fist coming at him containing all that mass. and damn, I love how this page’s action is set up. The Flash notes that as he approaches light speed, his mass approaches infinity. Don’t get me wrong I’m all down with the idea that having great power means having great responsibility, but having that power must be a hell of a rush, even when using it for good. You get the feeling that no matter how well-versed the members of the Justice League are in their abilities, they’re still blown away by the fact they have them. It’s like the bit from issue #1 with Kyle in space, in the way Grant Morrison captures the coolness and wonders of having superpowers. But I don’t care it’s comics, and I love it. No one talks like that, especially to themselves. He uses that knowledge, turning up to light speed as he thinks.įlash: The Speed Field forming around me a flowing world of mystery. Wally recalls how back in the day, Barry Allen would lay the science down on him, in the form of Flash Facts. Then Zum employs the Infantino Effect, creating multiple versions of himself that mess with Wally’s head. Elsewhere, the Flash is in a death race with Zum the alien speedster has got tricks to spare as he whips bricks back at Wally, forcing him to phase through. I’m hearing all of this in Kevin Conroy’s voice, by the way.

jla world war iii

As Batman gets confronted by defense robots, he inner monologues that he’s figured out who the Hyperclan are, and that they think he poses no threat because he’s human. “I would have been here sooner, but I needed to find a skylight to crash through”

Jla world war iii